We believe children are an important part of the FBC family, and we hope you will entrust your kids with us to allow you to worship with a peace of mind. Our desire is for your children to know who Christ is, how to love Him, and how to serve Him. In other words...
Know Him First.
Love Him First.
Serve Him First.
We offer several different yearly, monthly and weekly activities for your kids:
Sunday small groups are a smaller and more intimate time focused on helping your kids understand the Bible bette
Sunday mornings involve kids in the corporate worship service and then dismiss the kids for age specific discipleship during the sermon portion of our corporate worship service.
VBS (Vacation Bible School) is an incredible and exciting week in the summer where we come together to have fun, meet new people, and dive deeper into the Bible
If you have any questions regarding First Kids, please contact Kelly Reece through the church office.
Our workers are approved through background screenings and are trained in how to best care for children in all contexts.
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday Small Group....9:45 - 10:30 AM
Sunday Worship...........11:00 - 12:00 PM
Wednesday Nights.......6:30 - 7:30 PM